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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Land Of Complete Bliss

Beautiful vales and mountains

Bhutan is small Himalayas Kingdom sandwiched between China in the north and India in south. Remained independent with rich culture and tradition intact since time immemorial. Its historic landmark would be as many great saints and scholars has introduced and spread Buddhism with numerous introductions of sacred place and hidden treasure. Many have tirelessly walked length and breadth of the country to spread the message of peace and contentment which lead to path of enlightenment.

Typical Bhutanese architectural desingned house
Many temple, monasteries and hermitage were generally located in mountain and hills top built and blessed by precious scholars and masters. Many treasures believed to be hidden by Padmasambhava in eight century and more are yet to be discover by Tertenpas( Treasure discover) with the passage of time. Performance of mask dance and ritual are common in every monastery where people attended to get blessing and empowerment as well.
People and nature through concept of interdependence is well conceived and respect which help each other in daily life. Numerous lofty mountains with pristine forest coverage feature amazing scenic beauty blowing sound of happiness.

Prayer flag spreading message of peace
Bhutan education system in ancient time was monastic and therefore students used to visits Tibet and India for learning monastic education crossing rugged terrain and thick forests. Now with establishment of modern education, we follow both system i.e education for all to nourish one with good skills and knowledge as to global standard. Where almost 80% of people are doing farm work as self subsistence farming system although steps towards commercial farming just beginning.

Music and Beauty

Music gives someone to express their emotional feelings, admire, love and whatever engrained in their mind albeit joy full or soreness. Different people will have different definition of music based on their own thoughts and feelings. Music in one way is art where one can showcase their talents, skills and ability to suits various forms of song which ultimately spread the message of peace, culture, adventure and anything one composed on it.
Music helps in easing tension if one at all is going through difficult times in his or her life by tune into their favorite musical rhythms with songs. It can also unite people in larger audience at same time especially during spotlight by various artists. One can also show nature and its surrounding beauty through music.
Many people says that anything like plane song, joke expression, movies and whatever actions performed without incorporation of music is bore and unpleasant. This clearly shows music is one of main ingredients in everything in our daily life and it has great potential to determine every contents of work.
Horror music signifies scenes of ghosts and spirits which brings everyone fear and tiresome. Sad melodious one brings kind of nostalgic feeling and sense of regret as that of missing golden opportunity over someone.
Music is everything like, friend, parents which ultimately guide one to joy or melancholy prior to one’s adoption and expression.

Cock And Culture

Bhutan being blessed with numerous scholars and great saints are endowed with rich culture and tradition. We had started open to outside world as early as 1960’s and now everything is in full stepping onto digital world. Bhutanese people don’t posses any watch to look for time during those days and that’s how adult male chicken (cock), had played the fundamental function of time in the past.

 Different people in different regions of the country have their own way of time observation based on cock voice chirping especially during early hours of dawn
People in the eastern region generally had notion that three to four rounds  of cock voice which normally sung with certain range is believed to be  welcome of dawn. People had maintained certain kind of time table where supposing first round for grain milling in traditional way and spontaneously for certain other household chore.  

 Some people will get early watering from distance pound, bamboo collection, weaving and some making cheese and butter through milk crushing in traditional Bhutanese container. So, all early works were performed as per cock sequential musical rhythms round of voice.
This types of voice observation and early work doing are just remain as history as it was replaced by many brands of watches today with the advancement of modern technology. Therefore, we don’t much bother on ancient style of looking time and even today rearing cock in villages is diminishing albeit forget about town.

In the past there were also believe that cock voicing during late dusk is bad omen and house of cock replying to tune of starter is very bad omen according to great grandparents.  So, it is very stunning to know how cock play vital social role beside key reproductive function to hen and therefore, its preservation as part of culture seemed vital.