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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Germplasm exploration and collection expedition in Nangkhor,Shingkhar,Ngangla and Bjoka Gewog of Zhemgang Dzongkhag (12-01-2019 to 24-01-2019)


Farmers with Agriculture Extension Officers displaying their rich germplasm 

The four Gewogs (block) viz; Phangkhar, Goshing, Trong and Bardo Germplasm Collection Expedition (GCE) was conducted in 2016 as part of 11th Five Year Plan (FYP) of 2016-2017 fiscal years based on our work plan. This time collection was based on 2018 to 2019 fiscal year work plan of 12th FYP making completed mission for Zhemgang Dzongkhag. The next phase could be replacing non-viable seeds of same samples with locations and refills and rebuild those accessions of poor germination and low viability performance in the genebank.
·         To explore and collect germplasm from remaining four Gewogs
·         To study and capture diversity with farming system across these Gewogs
·         To formulate and recommend future policy and technical related backstopping programme


The collection team didn’t collect from next households if one provides all diversity within one location. Captured and maintained uniqueness with quality seeds sample across Chiwogs (sub-block). The Agro-biodiversity and germplasm collection expeditons objectives were shared based on their time availability and seeds payments were  made as the prevailing rates in their locality.

 Collection Results.

We have collected around 90 samples from four Geqwogs( Blocks) including cereals, fodders, legumes and oil seed crops.

Maize shelling for collection 

The Drunaghu (Nine Traditional Crops of Bhutan) diversity existence and current cultivation practices were on verge of extinction due to following reasons:

·         Availability of hybreed seeds
·         Poor yield and production of traditional crops
·         Land fragmentation
·         Shifting cultivation ban
·         Changes in the source of income generation
·         Lack of awareness on market and value addition
·         Human wildlife conflict
·         Labour shortage
·         Poor knowledge on nutrition diversity consumption and its diets
·         Limited contemporary agriculture practices and income generating ideas
·         Lack of consistent hard work and permanent ingrained mindset of subsistence farming.

To interpret further on this, especially the farmers of Bjoka, they focused mainly on bamboo products weaving and its arts. Farmer’s cultivate only few numbers of crops and maintain mini-vegetables garden. In some Chiwogs, they land up buying vegetables from other chiwogs despite repeated awareness and training given by Gewogs Agriculture Extension officers. So, their main plant, yula and cane products sustainability issues pose threat to their livelihood in future if not harvested with careful sustainable management practices.

Farmers with their seeds

The traditional crop species richness and diversity in this Gewogs remained gloomy due to aforementioned reasons and therefore, likelihood of knowing and seeing these crops by our future generation are less optimistic.

Bamboo products weaving

The germplasm exploration and collection of four remaining Gewogs under Zhemgang Dzongkhag was successful completed and all in all covered all eight Gewogs since collection from 2016 January. All stakeholders; local government especially farmers were very positive about our programme and work. Hence we are looking forward to full seeds processing and conservation into our gene bank with all necessary data and information as per the standard protocols.

Pictorial information’s to Germplasm expedition 2019.

Amaranthus caudatus. Source: Mrs.Cheki Wangmo and Mr. Ugyen Phuntsho

Barley in Shingkhar Gewog. Photo courtesy: Mrs. Cheki Wangmo and Mr. Ugyen Phungsho

Finger Millet in Shingkhar, Zhemgang, Finger millet. Photo courtesy: Mrs. Cheki Wangmo ans Mr. Ugyen Phuntsho

Buli Zhemgang.

 Photo Courtesy: All photos under pictorial information are Mrs. Cheki Wangmo and Mr.Ugyen Phuntsho.


Submitted by: Ms.Cheki Wangmo-Sr. Biodiversity Supervisor II, Mr. Ugyen Phuntsho-Senior Biodiversity Supervisor I, and Mr.Wang Tshering-Biodiversity Supervisor and Mr. Tandin Wangchuk-ESP

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